What are the advantages of having dental implants fitted? Our team provide 5 top benefits

When you have missing teeth, it can be all too easy to focus on the cosmetic issues that it brings.
But, as teeth are important for biting, chewing and other aspects of daily life when you have a missing tooth or teeth, there is more than a simple aesthetic issue that needs correcting. You will need a solution that offers sturdiness, the ability to chew food correctly, while also offering you the stability that you do not get with dentures.
And this is where oral implants come into play.
Our cosmetic and restorative team at Dr Bobby Chhoker know how to fit dental implants, while also knowing the many other advantages that they can offer to patients besides just filling a gap. We pride ourselves on educating our patients about all of the treatments that we can offer, so if you have any queries about having oral implants fitted, simply call our team for advice.
So, aside from the obvious cosmetic advantage, what are some of the other benefits of having dental implants fitted?
Improved dental health
While you may be wondering how a lack of teeth can create an issue with dental hygiene, having gaps in your teeth can act as a magnet for plaque and bacteria.
Also, by having large parts of your gum exposed, you leave yourself open to the possibility of developing gum disease. Yikes!
By having dental implants fitted, you can block those large areas of gum from being exposed and can prevent plaque from sticking to the newly exposed parts of your teeth, reducing cavities and gum disease. Great stuff!
Improved general health
You may have heard that there is a link between dental plaque and secondary health conditions.
Studies have found time and time again that if you have excess bacteria in your mouth, you run a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disorders, cancer and even increase your risk of suffering from a stroke.
By having oral implants fitted, you are reducing the hiding spots for plaque in the mouth, and thus you are boosting your overall physical health too.
Improved sleep
How does having missing teeth impact sleeping habits?
If you have a large enough gap, your upper and lower jaws can’t sit together comfortably, and you may begin to grind your teeth as you sleep.
This can cause sleep interruptions, lower amounts of REM sleep and cause you to wake up with headaches. As implants are a stable alternative to missing teeth, your jaws will sit together comfortably and reduce nocturnal grinding.
Improved digestion
If you have missing teeth, it is likely that you aren’t chewing your food correctly. So, you may be suffering from acid reflux and heartburn.
Implants aid in the breakdown of food, allowing smaller chunks to reach the stomach and easing the digestive process.
Improved speech
With secure implants in your mouth, your tongue is able to move correctly and you will be able to speak clearly and with better pronunciation. Perfect!
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.