Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Teeth whitening; FAQs answered by...

One of the most popular and easiest of all cosmetic dental options is tooth whitening. It brightens your smile, makes your teeth look healthier and. of course, has the added...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Root canals; myths debunked by...

When it comes to restorative and preventive dental treatments, there is a fair share of myths floating around. Many people think a scale and polish will make their teeth more...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Advantages of having dental implants...

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there is a new solution. In 2021, more people are approaching their dental teams to have oral implants fitted. Permanent, easy-to-fit and suitable...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Advantages of a smile make...

Most people don’t think of teeth when you say the word ‘makeover.’ But, in recent years, there has been a spike in cosmetic dental care relating to a full makeover...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Common myths about porcelain veneers...

If you are self-conscious about your smile or want to whiten your teeth without potentially affecting the sensitivity of your teeth, it may be time to consider having porcelain veneers...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Myths about dental implants debunked...

When you have missing teeth as an adult, you will probably be looking for a permanent solution to your cosmetic and oral functionality woes; after all, you can't chew an...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Myths about aesthetic dental care...

Do you look at photos of yourself smiling and wish that your teeth were a bit whiter? Or perhaps you want to correct a minor misalignment that you think looks...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Want to know more about...

In the world of modern dental care, it is now possible to undertake a procedure known as a dental makeover. And while it does not typically involve placing makeup on...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

A brief guide to health...

Modern dental care is somewhat remarkable. We can now whiten teeth in 2 weeks, straighten teeth without metal braces and can even replace missing teeth permanently with the use of...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Want to know what our...

When you are fed up with how your smile looks in photos, or if you simply don’t want to hide your smile for the rest of your life, cosmetic dental...
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