Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Dental implants or bridges –...

When you lose a tooth or teeth, it can be upsetting. Unless the loss was caused by trauma, it is then possible that the gum and the underlying bone will...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

FAQs about cosmetic dental care

When you are an adult, and you are looking to book yourself in for a cosmetic treatment, it is likely that you will have a few questions beforehand, to assess...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

A guide to oral cancer...

There are few things more unnerving than performing your daily oral hygiene routine and then finding a lump or bump in your mouth. And while in most cases lumps in...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

The positives of getting dental...

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, many dental patients assume that the only options that they will be able to access will be bridges or fitted dentures, depending of...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

What happens during a smile...

Have you ever wanted to have your teeth straightened and whitened, or have gaps filled whilst also concealing a crack on a front tooth from that rugby match five years...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

The process of fitting dental...

When it comes to having teeth restored there is no better solution for the majority of dental patients than to have oral implants fitted Implants are relatively new in the...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Questions for a cosmetic dentist...

In 2022, fewer people, in general, are suffering from cavities and gum disease. This means that now there is a great deal of emphasis on changing the appearance of a...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

FAQs about root canals answered...

At our practice, we know we have a bit of a reputation when it comes to providing top-of-the-line cosmetic options. However, we are also well-versed in offering our patients some...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

FAQs about dental implants answered

Do you want to close that gap in your smile, but have some questions about oral implants? At Dr Bobby Chhoker’s, our team is experienced in providing dental implants and...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

What Goes Into a Smile...

When most people think of a makeover they picture hair, makeup and nails being treated, which is a great way to boost one's self-esteem before a night out or wedding....
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