How Long Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Take?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to remove your wisdom teeth? It’s a common question many people ask, and there are some important factors to consider regarding the time it takes for wisdom teeth removal. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that influence the length of the procedure.
The Amount of Teeth That Need To Be Removed
If you have four healthy wisdom teeth that need removal, the surgery typically takes an hour or less. If multiple teeth have become impacted and require separate surgical procedures, this will increase the time required for removal. Additionally, if any bone needs to be removed in order to access the tooth roots, more time will likely be needed.
Type Of Anesthesia Used During The Surgery
The type of anaesthesia used during wisdom teeth removal can also affect how long the procedure lasts. Local anaesthesia is used for mild cases and only numbs the mouth area around where the tooth is being extracted. This type of anaesthesia usually wears off quickly after surgery and does not require any recovery time afterwards. For more serious cases, general anaesthesia may be used which puts patients into a deep sleep throughout the entire operation and requires a longer recovery period afterwards.
Complexity Of The Surgery
The complexity of each individual surgery also affects how long it takes to remove wisdom teeth. If there are no complications during surgery such as large amounts of bone needing to be removed or difficult-to-reach tooth roots, then this could shorten the amount of time needed to complete extraction. However, if there are any unexpected issues that arise during extraction such as extra bone or tissue needing to be cut away or difficulty accessing certain areas in your mouth, then this could add additional time to your surgery.
In summary, how long it takes for a wisdom teeth removal depends on several factors including the number of teeth that need to be removed, the type of anaesthesia used during surgery and the complexity of each individual extraction process. Generally speaking though, most single extractions can last anywhere from 30 minutes up to an hour depending on how much work needs to be done beforehand and afterwards in order for everything to go smoothly. As always though, consult with your dentist about what is best for you based on your individual situation!