FAQs about subperiosteal dental implants answered

Have you been told that you aren’t suitable for traditional oral implants?
At Dr Bobby Chhoker, we can offer different types of dental implants and will help you choose the right one for you, to restore strength and attractive aesthetics to your smile.
In this article, our team answers questions about one of the lesser-known dental implants, subperiosteal implants.
What are subperiosteal implants?
Unlike traditional dental implants that are attached directly to your jaw, subperiosteal implants rest between the jawbone but underneath the gums.
Physically, the fitting looks like a metal framework, but it has 2 posts that once fitted will protrude through the gums and act as the base to which we attach the prosthetic teeth. Due to the sturdiness of the frame itself, this type of implant can be used on either the upper or lower jaw and can support an entire set of dentures if needed.
Who is suitable to have them?
As you may know, the most commonly used type of implant in dentistry is the endosteal implant, which is fitted to the jaw and fuses over time.
If during the assessment process, it is determined that your jawbone is too thin or too damaged via X-rays, then our team may suggest subperiosteal implants as an alternative. They may also be suggested if you have a contraindicated condition such as osteoporosis.
If you have had a severe case of gum disease in the past which has caused damage to your jawbone, then we are more likely to suggest subperiosteal implants for you.
How are they fitted?
As mentioned before, when you come to us for the assessment, we will take either an X-ray or CT scan (or both) of your jaw.
From this, the metal framework for the implants can be created. On the day of the procedure, we will numb your gums, sterilise the area and then make some small incisions into your gums where we are planning to place the frame.
Gently placing the frame under the gum line, we may then make some adjustments (if needed) to ensure that it fits correctly. We will then close the gums and there you have it. Your implants are fitted.
Are they uncomfortable to have fitted?
In a word, no.
As before, we will ensure that the gums are numbed before we make any incisions and will ask you throughout the procedure if you are comfortable.
Once at home afterwards, you may notice that your gums and mouth feel very sore and swollen; this is normal. To mitigate this sensation, we will advise that you take over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol. We will typically recommend against the use of pain relief such as ibuprofen or aspirin, as this can thin the blood and worsen bruising.
If you notice any signs of infection, such as prolonged soreness, discolouration, having a fever or feeling unwell post-implant fitting, please call our team for an emergency appointment.
How long do they last?
Provided that the implants are cared for correctly and observed by our team, they can easily last up to and over 20 years.
Remember, you will need to treat your prosthetic teeth as if they were natural teeth and so, we will need to see you biannually for check-ups. You will also need to brush your teeth twice a day and keep an eye out for signs of gum disease.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.