FAQs about cosmetic dental care

Dr. Bobby Chhoker

When you are an adult, and you are looking to book yourself in for a cosmetic treatment, it is likely that you will have a few questions beforehand, to assess whether or not the treatment is going to be beneficial for you, and what you can expect.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the field of cosmetic dental care. As cosmetic or aesthetic dental procedures become more common, more people than ever before are researching them and are asking our team about undergoing them. And we are always happy to discuss their suitability for cosmetic dental procedures with all patients.

Our team, along with Doctor Bobby Chhoker, is able to offer a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments and is able to perform just about everything, from dental whitening to the fitting of oral implants. So, if you have any concerns about the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, just call our team.

In this article, our cosmetic dental expert has a bit of a mix-and-match FAQ section, so you can learn about the different dental procedures that we can offer to improve your smile.

Does dental whitening hurt your teeth?

If it is not performed by a trained professional, then yes, whitening using dental bleaches can cause oral sensitivity. However, our team is able to offer dental whitening to our patients, which will not cause long-term soreness or discomfort. This is because the whitening bleaches that we use have anti-sensitivity agents built into them, so the chance of you developing sensitivity is minimal.

Can anyone have oral implants fitted?

In short, no, not everybody is suitable to have oral implants fitted. You need to be over the age of 18, you also need to have a healthy and thick jawbone to support the implants and preferably, you will not have any underlying health issues which can cause problems with your bone, such as osteoporosis. You also need to have good overall oral health and cannot have any cavities or signs of gum disease.

Does Invisalign work?

Absolutely! When it comes to undertaking treatment for mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, Invisalign is probably the most suitable procedure for the majority of our patients. It does work and can straighten your smile in as little as 6 months, but in order for the effect to be long-lasting, you will need to wear a retainer.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are the dental equivalent of false nails. They are thin shells of porcelain, designed to fit over the front of your teeth and can be used to close minor spaces, whiten the teeth or conceal cracks. They are fitted using dental cement and, with correct aftercare, they can last up to and over 15 years.

How long do braces take to straighten your teeth as an adult?

Standard orthodontic braces can take up to 3 years to straighten your smile if there is a complex misalignment or one that involves the molar teeth. But as mentioned earlier, there are also other options to straighten your smile, such as Invisalign, which can be completed in as little as 3 to 6 months.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.