Can Braces Straighten Wisdom Teeth?

Dr. Bobby Chhoker


For generations, wisdom teeth have perplexed both laymen and medical professionals alike. Typically emerging between the ages of 17 and 25, these notorious third molars are often the subjects of concern, leading many to seek a variety of orthodontic solutions. One frequently asked question that is especially intriguing is, can braces straighten wisdom teeth? In today’s article, we delve into the science, expert opinions, and alternative solutions to provide a comprehensive answer to this complex question.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, known in the medical world as third molars, usually make their appearance in late adolescence or early adulthood. Unlike other teeth that serve a more apparent functional purpose, wisdom teeth are considered evolutionary vestiges. For many individuals, these molars become a source of significant discomfort due to complications such as impaction, infection, and misalignment. For more information on what wisdom teeth are and why they can be problematic, check out this comprehensive guide by the Australian Dental Association.


What Do Braces Do?

Braces are more than just metal wires and brackets; they are complex orthodontic devices designed to rectify issues related to dental alignment and bite function. By applying constant pressure on teeth, braces enable the slow and controlled movement of teeth into their ideal positions. This treatment is often used to correct various dental problems such as overbites, underbites, and teeth crowding. If you’re new to the world of braces, this Australian Medical Association guide offers an excellent overview.


The Wisdom Teeth and Braces Conundrum

Given that wisdom teeth are infamous for causing dental alignment issues, such as overcrowding, it is logical to wonder whether braces can be used to correct such problems. Could these orthodontic devices, which are effective in treating other types of dental misalignment, serve a purpose for wisdom teeth as well?


The Expert Opinion: Can Braces Straighten Wisdom Teeth?

After consulting several orthodontic studies and professionals, the general consensus is clear: braces are not designed to and generally cannot straighten wisdom teeth. Unlike other teeth that are more accessible and receptive to orthodontic manipulation, wisdom teeth present a unique challenge. They are situated deep within the jaw, making them difficult, if not impossible, to manipulate effectively with braces. For further insights on this topic, consider this study from the Journal of the Australian Dental Association.


Alternatives to Braces for Wisdom Teeth

So, if braces aren’t a suitable treatment for problematic wisdom teeth, what are the alternatives? Here are some solutions backed by dental professionals:

  1. Surgical Removal: This is the most common and often recommended treatment for troublesome wisdom teeth. A specialised oral surgeon usually performs the extraction.
  2. Monitoring: Some individuals may not experience immediate issues with their wisdom teeth. In such cases, monitoring through regular dental check-ups is advisable, as suggested by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
  3. Partial Eruption Assistance: Occasionally, minor surgical intervention can help partially erupted wisdom teeth to break through the gum more comfortably, mitigating the risk of infection or other complications.

Case Studies

  • Case Study 1: Sarah, a 24-year-old postgraduate student, believed that braces could spare her the ordeal of wisdom teeth extraction. However, after an extensive consultation with an orthodontist, she discovered that braces were not a suitable solution and ultimately chose surgical removal.
  • Case Study 2: Mike, who is in his early 30s, has partially erupted wisdom teeth but has not faced significant problems to date. He opted for a monitoring approach, as recommended by his dentist, and his case has been extensively reviewed in the Australian Dental Journal.

FAQ Section

Q: Can braces prevent wisdom teeth from erupting in a misaligned fashion?
A: No, braces are not designed to influence the alignment of wisdom teeth, a view supported by research published by the Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists’ Association.

Q: Can the arrival of wisdom teeth ruin the alignment achieved by braces?
A: Yes, in some scenarios, the eruption of wisdom teeth can cause other teeth to shift, potentially negating the effects of prior orthodontic work.

Q: What symptoms should prompt me to seek medical advice concerning my wisdom teeth?
A: Signs such as persistent pain, discomfort, or pressure at the back of your mouth, as well as difficulty opening your mouth, should lead you to consult a dental professional.


While the query of whether braces can straighten wisdom teeth is commonly pondered, the expert consensus and scientific evidence overwhelmingly suggest that they cannot. Braces are highly effective for treating a myriad of other dental issues but fall short when it comes to the unique challenges posed by wisdom teeth. If you find yourself concerned about your wisdom teeth, consult an orthodontic specialist or an oral surgeon for personalised, professional advice.


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