A Guide to Root Canals From Our Dentist

Dr. Bobby Chhoker

It seems that when most people think of dental care that can be life-changing, they think of cosmetic options such as porcelain veneers, dental implants or adult orthodontic care like Invisalign.

But what if there was a procedure that could restore a tooth that had succumbed to decay and developed an abscess, thus preserving your smile? It sounds good, doesn’t it?

For many dental patients, this treatment is not only one of the most dreaded options in dentistry, but many will actively seek extraction over it. We are talking about the widely misunderstood root canal.

At Doctor Bobby Chhoker, we have helped many patients to restore their smiles using root canals. This procedure is a proven treatment and can help you to maintain better oral health in the long term.

In the following guide from our lead dentist, you will be introduced briefly to this treatment option, so you can see how remarkable it is.

What are root canals?

Medically, a root canal procedure is referred to as endodontics. According to our expert dentist, this is simply a fancy term for ‘below the tooth’ and a root canal is used to treat issues that are occurring in the pulp of the tooth, below the gum line, which cannot be seen in daily life.

A root canal will involve our dental team drilling down to the root of the tooth and filling this area before topping it with a crown or a filling. But why would we need to do this?

What do they treat?

In short, we would offer this option if you had a dental abscess which was causing discomfort and was located in the pulp of the tooth, which is the most common place for these to occur. Rather than simply removing the tooth, the root canal offers the option to have the tooth remain in place and simply remove the infected debris from the pulp.

Root canals can also treat teeth which have been split in half and have had the root exposed.

How they are performed

Our team will use X-rays to assess the extent of the damage. On the day of the procedure, we will numb your mouth and will begin drilling gently down to the root (or roots) of the tooth.

Then, using a set of specialist cleaning brushes, we will remove the infected debris from inside the tooth. This may require us to remove part or all of the tooth pulp. Once the area is clean, we begin filling it with a substance known as gutta-percha, a putty-like substance which will prevent any bacteria from re-entering the site.


It is likely that after you have had a root canal fitted that your gum and tooth may feel a bit tender for a few days. This is normal and should fade on its own. If it doesn’t, contact our team.


With correct aftercare such as brushing, flossing and biannual visits to our team, your root canal should last the rest of your life without issue. Making it a great investment in preserving your smile.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.