A guide to porcelain veneers from Dr Bobby Chhoker

Many adults want to change an aspect of their smile, with the most common complaint being that the majority of people wish their smiles were whiter. This is followed closely by people having cracks or chips in their teeth which have accumulated stains and left a dark line across the front of them. The next issue relates to the minor spacing between teeth.
This may all sound very expensive when it comes to corrective options relating to cosmetic care, as surely the only viable solution is to have your teeth whitened, have those cracks filled and undertake orthodontic care. Luckily, there is one solution that is versatile enough to treat all 3 at the same time.
Our team at Doctor Bobby Chhoker’s practice is always happy to discuss the most suitable solution to dental issues and for those issues relating to whiteness, cracks or minor spacing, the most simple solution is usually the fitting of porcelain veneers.
If you have never heard of porcelain veneers, don’t worry. In this short guide, you will be introduced to this procedure, how it is performed and what you can expect relating to aftercare. So, read on to learn more!
What are porcelain veneers/laminates?
If you have ever seen a false nail, then you will have a basic idea of what a laminate is. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are attached to the front of your teeth. They are custom-fitted to match the shape of your teeth and are created in a dental laboratory. Our team will use intraoral scans or moulds to get the shape of your teeth before having the laminates created, ensuring that they will correctly fit your teeth.
How are they fitted?
The fitting of porcelain laminates sounds uncomfortable, but believe us it isn’t! Our team will gently sand the front surface of the tooth where the laminate is going to be fitted, to create a rough surface. This will help the dental cement to adhere correctly and once in place, the laminate will be pressed onto the front of the tooth. When the dental cement has been set, the laminate is good to go and can be used to bite into food straight away.
What they can treat
As mentioned before, porcelain laminates can be used to treat issues with whitening; they can whiten your teeth up to 18 shades or more if desired. They can be used to conceal cracks or chips in your teeth and can even be used to close minor gaps. However, they’re also versatile in treating issues with oral sensitivity. Placing them can cover the microscopic holes responsible for you suffering from pangs of discomfort when eating or consuming hot or cold food.
With correct aftercare, which simply involves brushing your teeth twice a day and attending biannual check-ups with our team, porcelain laminates can last up to 20 years. If you suspect that one of your laminates is coming loose, then please feel free to contact us and we will reattach it.
Laminates or bonding?
Some people are torn between choosing porcelain laminates or composite bonding, as both offer similar solutions to similar problems. If you are on a bit of a tight budget, it may be worth undertaking composite bonding. However, both procedures are incredibly versatile and successful and can make you smile in as little as one session.
All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.